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off elena***(26) am 19.11.2008 12:53 Uhr

hey ...of course i have time for you....i hope you'll you too

off j-house(32) am 17.11.2008 16:20 Uhr

holly......... guess what.... 39 days

off jakob91(30) am 13.11.2008 16:27 Uhr

thank you!

off elena***(26) am 20.10.2008 17:51 Uhr

oh ok...i hope you'll feel better soon and call me at some time...

off bastiR(32) am 17.10.2008 05:10 Uhr

hi wie gehts dir soooo ?????

off elena***(26) am 16.10.2008 17:50 Uhr

yes of course you can try..think i'm at home...

off elena***(26) am 10.10.2008 16:24 Uhr

did you try?? i've been at home for the whole day... ..

off elena***(26) am 07.10.2008 18:30 Uhr

yes ...just try it i'm at home

off elena***(26) am 05.10.2008 17:36 Uhr

i don't know why noone answered because there was somebody here for the whole day ...yeah try today!!

off elena***(26) am 04.10.2008 13:41 Uhr

well, i think you can call today...i hope i'm at home then....just try it ....