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off elena***(26) am 17.02.2009 16:55 Uhr

hey ...of course we can...we will be on vacation from saturday on for one week so it will probably be good then....i'm alone at home from saturday till tuesday so maybe you can call on one of those days :...

off German_Badass!(33) am 16.01.2009 13:52 Uhr


off j-house(32) am 18.12.2008 18:01 Uhr

haha happy "late" birthday... even though i was the first to say it haha technically you could say i was 8 hours early

off laura-92-(26) am 18.12.2008 17:39 Uhr

you are welcome

off PEACHY(26) am 17.12.2008 18:54 Uhr

hey holly have a nice birthday!

off Spooner(31) am 17.12.2008 15:41 Uhr

hey holly...happy birthday

off tobiw(32) am 17.12.2008 14:56 Uhr

have a nice party =)

off laura-92-(26) am 17.12.2008 14:15 Uhr

hey holly happy birthday celebrate nice

off jakob91(30) am 17.12.2008 13:51 Uhr

hey!..happy birthday...hope you'll celebrate enough

off Michi!(31) am 17.12.2008 13:30 Uhr