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off baeder(31) am 20.02.2009 09:18 Uhr

off TR*(41) am 20.02.2009 08:43 Uhr

off skippe(31) am 20.02.2009 07:00 Uhr

off elena***(26) am 17.02.2009 17:02 Uhr

very cool what are you doing all the time??

off elena***(26) am 17.02.2009 16:59 Uhr

hey jess geht mir gut .. ..wie geht es dir?

off elena***(26) am 17.02.2009 16:59 Uhr

hey jess geht mir gut .. ..wie geht es dir?

off jakob91(30) am 15.02.2009 16:32 Uhr

heyy american girl!! ...wir haben party gemacht ..i guess you know what i mean ..but tell me, what does "in festen händen" mean ??!!...i'm just a little curios

off matthias-_-(32) am 15.02.2009 14:07 Uhr


off elena***(26) am 03.02.2009 19:49 Uhr

servus jess gut und dir??

off baeder(31) am 03.02.2009 17:23 Uhr

peace unso!

off jojo*1993(30) am 27.01.2009 17:20 Uhr

yes i`m fine... school is soo great.. ....räusper.. ....and how is your school?? do you know yet who you are going to host? <33

off elena***(26) am 27.01.2009 17:17 Uhr

oh not much either...we wrote our last test today ... ...

off jojo*1993(30) am 27.01.2009 17:08 Uhr

hiii jess!!!! how are you doing??

off elena***(26) am 27.01.2009 17:07 Uhr

hey jess ...what'S up?? ..

off j-rod(31) am 25.01.2009 23:56 Uhr

dont worry about it......haha Stacie!

off j-rod(31) am 25.01.2009 23:52 Uhr

ja jess do it.

off jakob91(30) am 20.01.2009 13:51 Uhr

wow, it sounds as if you were quite busy the last days ..but tell me what`s a hookah bar?bar sounds of course quite familiar for me!...i can`t wait to have holidays in some weeks again,although we just had some is your volleyball career going?you don´t play anymore in highschool??

off jakob91(30) am 19.01.2009 18:08 Uhr

i had a soccer tournament on friday evening and after that there was a party ...and on saturday,sunday i just lied in bed and lazed around cause i was so tired after this stressful week ..and how was your weekend?

off matthias-_-(32) am 17.01.2009 23:51 Uhr

mhm,gotta learn quite much for school and besides that,,hanging out with friends..the usual stuff u know? what about you?

off jakob91(30) am 17.01.2009 13:30 Uhr

habedere, i`m fine,and you?,..nice picture