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off unreg(32) am 04.02.2009 21:22 Uhr

dere leo ja schau ma moi wos des wiad!!!

off Henri(36) am 04.02.2009 15:31 Uhr

jawoi leo..... du bist das!!!!

off Florian_89(33) am 29.12.2008 19:46 Uhr

hast a neis "auto" über was musst du des referat machen und wann hast du an termien?

off Florian_89(33) am 21.12.2008 21:34 Uhr

griste und genisst de ferien scho ?

off rouge***(37) am 15.12.2008 22:14 Uhr

Na? die fotos san ja doch was worden

off Florian_89(33) am 15.12.2008 20:14 Uhr

servus !!!! fotomaker

off Lehner_Michi86(36) am 15.12.2008 17:35 Uhr

Schau kurz vorbei wegen den neuen Fotos. so um 7e

off Lehner_Michi86(36) am 15.12.2008 16:19 Uhr


off Florian_89(33) am 11.12.2008 20:45 Uhr

serwas leo

off Leo85(35) am 09.12.2008 09:05 Uhr

Send "Lovetrap" Ringtone to your Cell Phone i know you met someone last night see it in your eyes you said "we only talked, allright?" now that's a big lie and i know it's all over now i guess we lost our love somehow the moment you left through that door i know you'll never come back here no more you came and took your things today gave me your ring back i never thought it'd end this way fell in your lovetrap and i know it's all over now i guess we lost our love somehow the moment you left through that door i know you'll never come back here no more you said you're never coming back home you got me choking now that's a typical syndrome when a heart gets broken broken, oh yeah cos i know it's all over now i guess we lost our love somehow the moment you left through that door i know you'll never come back here no more it's all over now we lost our love somehow you left through that door no, you'll never come back here no more it's all over now, we lost our love somehow, you left through that door and i know you'll never come back here no more 'cos it's all over now it's all over now

off mist86(35) am 25.11.2008 12:03 Uhr

off Leo85(35) am 24.11.2008 18:37 Uhr


off Melly88(36) am 21.11.2008 12:51 Uhr

OH MEIN GOTT! i flipp aus Oo du hast a foto vom hausmeister schoß in action drin..... grandios grandios

off Henri(36) am 20.11.2008 17:27 Uhr

dere leo..... wia schauts mid dem video vo passau aus???

off Onan(34) am 20.11.2008 01:06 Uhr

off Graf-Nudl(31) am 19.11.2008 22:15 Uhr

Checks aus!

off rouge***(37) am 18.11.2008 21:30 Uhr

Initiator wär da Steveboy00 in meiner Freundeliste, meiner einer würd singa, und den rest der Bagage hab i a no net kennen glernt, bzw. is no am dazuorganisieren. Vom Stil her gibts no koa feste Richtung. Für alles offen, moan i.

off rouge***(37) am 18.11.2008 21:24 Uhr

ok. bin wieda dabei soso, wählerisch. und was würd deinen Ansprüchen entsprechen??
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