am 16.06.2011 23:54 Uhr
Bist mei große Liebe (: |
Bist mei große Liebe (: |
ich könnte 1000 Jungen küssen. Es würde mir nicht mal annähernd so viel bedeuten, wie deine Hand zu halten ! |
i lieb de iba ois (: |
na ois guade nachträglich |
vodammt, bin i glücklich ld |
ois guade na <3 |
Do you know that i love you? I probably already told you, but I'm going to keep saying it. There are no lies in these words, not one bit. Your smile keeps mealive. Is one more reason to keepfighting. I would give you my soul for comfort, even if it leaves me dark and cold. And when i hold you close, i can feel your heart beat fast, and i think to myself ... I've found that "someone" at last. |
alles alles gute (: |
alles gute noch nachträglich |