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off matthias-_-(32) am 24.03.2009 14:56 Uhr

mhh that sucks but college is great,too,isn´t it? well,i gotta go.see you soon jess

off matthias-_-(32) am 24.03.2009 14:45 Uhr

oh cool,what´s her name? so are u going to come to germany this year again? would be great well,school is boring,but besides that everything is great we´re visiting london next week

off matthias-_-(32) am 24.03.2009 14:35 Uhr

jjjjesss how´s life?

off jakob91(30) am 23.03.2009 19:30 Uhr

gut und dir ?...nice picture

off Tschech*(26) am 19.03.2009 22:50 Uhr

I'm fine thanks

off Tschech*(26) am 17.03.2009 21:13 Uhr

eeeey how are you?

off elena***(26) am 17.03.2009 21:09 Uhr

hey jess are you?

off jakob91(30) am 01.03.2009 13:12 Uhr

it was good,..i'm quite tired now,cause we had holidays,which means going out almost every night ...and yours?

off jakob91(30) am 28.02.2009 15:54 Uhr

i'm means that you are with somebody.or did you want to know something different?

off jakob91(30) am 27.02.2009 20:56 Uhr

oh yes,..and sorry again...i'm so dumb...happy birthday!!!!!( i know iu'm late)