SabSi**! (32)
56.655 Klicks
Sa 21.06.2008 00:00 Uhr | [--Mr. Right--] ________________________________ | |
Fr 20.06.2008 23:52 Uhr | >>...MoVe oN...>> You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces togehter, justifiying what could´ve would´ve happened _or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on (-Tupac) | |
Mo 19.05.2008 20:05 Uhr | ___[...HoLd mY HanD HoLD mY HanD && neveR LeT me Go. | |
Mo 12.05.2008 14:16 Uhr | **__8 Billion People__** 8 billion people in this world and i still want you | |
Mo 05.05.2008 16:02 Uhr | HeaRt sMiLes... ...& eveRyTime i See Your FaCe... ..mY HeaRt sMiLes.. | |